A classic dark red steam locomotive, with bright light orange details.
Loosely based on the Reading 1251, the powerful 3:1 gearing and L motor makes this excellent for shunting work, but it can be used for longer distances as well.
Built for reliability and stability, the model can handle some rough play and is about as childproof as a similar scale City Trains model.
The Powered Up batterybox can easily be removed when required. The locomotive can be turned on and off by pressing a tile in front of the cabin, and the power LED is both visible and non-obtrusive.
The instructions have been checked by industry professional Gears – you can check his work at http://Youtube.com/@gearsandbricks . I’m very grateful for his contribution.
Note: the front coupler swings out on standard R40 curves, and may derail front-coupled wagons. The rear coupler works just fine.