Rollbocks where used in the last decade to transport regular gauge freightwagons on narrow gauge track. In the so called Rollbockgruben each axle of the regular gauge freightwagon gets its own narrow gauge bogie, the Rollbock. By the real thing a shunter must get in the rollbock track and place the rollbock directly under each axle and unfold the forks between each axle. In my model this all happens semi-automated. You place the first rollbock at the center of the ramp track (2×4 wedgeplates horizontal) with the clip side to the narrow gauge track and hook every rollbock after in the doorrail of the rollbock in front of each other. The wheel brick of the regular gauge hooks in the first rollbock and pull the line of rollbocks in the pit further until the slopes between the tracks hook them out. Now the rollbock behind is perfectly placed for the next axle and so on.
Important: You can only use 2 axle wagons or 4 axle wagons with enough space between the axles in each bogie and only original Lego train wheel bricks or equal. Next to it the rollbocks need space under the wheel bricks and a few mm before and behind. The rollbock track fits 6 rollbocks at this configuration, but the length of the pit is not very importend. In a longer pit you can fit more rollbocks (for example 10 for a narrow gauge train with 5 freightcars), but you can shorten it too if you got less place. You can build the pit how you like it, the important measurements are the height of the regular gauge track depending on the narrow gauge track and the distance between the 2×4 Wedgeplates and the slopes between the narrow gauge track.
Many thanks to Thomas Reincke for making the instructions!