This 1:42 scale model is the result of my tinkering with the 2018 Lego® set 75955. Eventually I realised that Lego® train wheels had become the limiting factor and moved to an all new design using Big Ben’s Bricks wheels. Built to roughly 1:42 against plan drawings of a Hall Class this model provides a more accurate likeness without too many compromises.

The tender contains both the motor and City Hub to power the model. As the tender isn’t very tall a modified version is required. You can see how to make this modification on my YouTube channel
When sourcing Big Ben’s Bricks wheels I would recommend using the type with bands on for the motor to ensure good grip. Also during the build of this model, 3D printed and modified parts are used. I also had to sand the back of my BBB wheels to ensure a good fit with clearance. Please don’t expect this to be an easy build.
I’ve now displayed this model at several events with the Plymouth Brick Railway and refined it’s running capabilities before releasing these instructions to ensure you have the best results.