Maschinenfabrik Esslingen 1914
used on various Württemberg
narrow-gauge railroads until 1983
About the Designer:
Thomas was born towards the end of the 1960s. I work in IT for public transport. I mostly build in 1:42 scale for large radii. As a child I sawed, drilled, cut and painted bricks. Someone like that doesn't become a purist as an adult. If there are gaps in the abundant Danish offer, I sometimes print parts with the 3D printer or fall back on other manufacturers. My enthusiasm for railways was awakened and encouraged at the "Schwäbischen Eisenbahn" was awakened and encouraged in the 1980s. My workplace is in Aachen. All this is also reflected in many of my models.

Model File

PDF Building Instructions
Model specifications:
- Type: Freight Wagon
- Scale: 1:42
- Length: 27 studs
- Minimum curve radius: R72
- Difficulty: Intermediate
- Built & tested IRL: Yes
- Uses custom parts: No
- Is motorised: No